Human Capacity Support- Learning and Development
Lean Enterprise Management
Lean Wide Enterprise is not Lean until its deployment leads to identification of Lean cost potentials that lead to removal of all wastages within business /or organization’ processes.
The common waste found within most organizations have been categorized under eight types but mostly important is to identify costs that will be saved for an organization by removing these waste termed “ Muda, Mura, and Muri” in Japanese language through deployment and application of Lean methodology, tools and techniques.
Oludoy Dynamix Consulting develops and increases human capacity through our research-based training and consulting in Lean Management which identify costs to save and profits to gain through Value Stream Mapping and systemic formulation, deployment and alignment of organizational strategy in an effective and efficient manner.
Our organization also develop human capacity in the application of Six Sigma to business process in order to ensure defects and error free - flow across the entire value chain of a system.
Knowledge of Six Sigma amount to additional cost of managing an institution when it has not been deployed as a management philosophy and strategic tool to solve business process-inclined problems.
Six Sigma methodology has been widely applied as a business process management(BPM) to remove defects and errors that characterized business performance and the whole organization’ system.
Oludoy Dynamix Consulting Limited develops and increases human capacity through our research-based training and consulting in Six Sigma Methodology. We offer the following courses to develop and enhance productive human capacity in various organizations.
Open and Customized Learning and Development Events
We offer the following learning and development programme:
- Problem Solving and Decision Making
- Group Decision Making
- Creating A Lean Business System
- Lean Culture
- Lean Manufacturing
- Lean Banking
- Liquid Lean
- Lean Service Management
- Six Sigma Methodology
- Six Sigma Project-Six Sigma Cases
Problem Solving and Decision Making
Organizations are set up to solve problems in order to add values to life but in reality, the dynamics of diverse problem areas suggest that problems differ in size, in concept, in formulation, in structure, in variables and parameters ,and in terms of environmental influence.
Real life situations or problems are not easy to read meaning to because of the complexities inherent in them. Some of these problems by their characteristics are deterministic or dynamic, logical or illogical, rational or irrational, finite or infinite, linear or nonlinear, discrete or continuous with single objective or multi-objective functions.
Therefore, there is a need to know how to model a problem in its real form and how to deploy both qualitative and quantitative solution techniques to solve them.
Oludoy Dynamix Consulting , being an operational research consulting firm, sees every problem as a decision problem, and our approach is step-by-step inclined.
It is a 4-day open and specially-customized learning and development programme.
Group Decision Making
The failure of many institutions results from their inability to aggregate people’s views, opinions, and ideas in solving decision problems. Most of the times, problems are handled by a critical few who might be selected based on their positions and not on what actually they can deliver or on the basis of their representation of all divided and conflictual groups or individuals.
Every decision problem has a rule, a process ,and a structure which is constrained by human factors, environmental factors and other very negligible but vital variables. Group decision making is a scientific act of bringing to bear the preferences of all involved decision makers in proffering solution to any problem taking into consideration all conflict of interest.
It is a 5-day open and specially-customized learning and development programme. Contact us for further details.
Creating A Lean Business System
Organizations are run on the basis of strategic system, therefore the model, culture and practice of a system will determine its well being or its dooms. A Lean business system is set up on five common elements: Focus on customer value through policy deployment, Deploying through cross functional processes, Value stream management aligned to business goals, Lean tools and techniques aligned to need, and Application in the extended enterprise. These five principles constitute the pillars of lean strategic management.
It is a 5-day open and specially-customized learning and development programme.
Lean Culture
A corporate behavioral policy that is imposed on employees does not eventually yield commensurate result at both ends. Except organizational culture evolves in a manner that is people enabled, people developed and people centered, the stability of the organization will be threatened always.
Lean Culture builds a mindset among all the categories of human resource in any organization by instilling in them a culture of zero tolerance for waste and a deep sense of belonging in managing their organization.
It is a 3-day open and specially-customized learning and development programme.
Lean Manufacturing
The manufacturing Industry has history of improvement through deployment of many management philosophies and strategies which over the years have become household practices for robust productivity.
One of such management philosophies is Lean Management to curb inherent waste in the entire supply chain of a product/or service system. Some of the common waste in manufacturing industry result in high inventory levels, high associated logistics costs, increased processing costs, poor equipment utilization, high labor turnover, training costs, etc.
Lean manufacturing management deals holistically with input-process-output dynamics of its system to identify locked-up waste within its non-valued and valued added activities and then eliminate them.
It is a 5-day open and specially-customized learning and development programme.
Lean Banking
The banking industry all over the world spends a lot of money on technological infrastructure to safely manage all transactions between her and large number of customers. This in reality has made banks to focus more on ‘Tools’ than other banking process variables; people being major one in this regard.
Organizational leaders in financial institutions may be wondering,“ How do we identify opportunities where an effective application of Lean could yield significant results?” Fundamentally, Lean is about eliminating waste; its primary objective is to identify all activities that are non-value-added and reduce inherent waste as many as possible. General examples of waste include over-producing, waiting, defects/rework, over-processing, inventory, motion, and transport. There are waste locked up in On-Line Business System(COBS) customer sign-up process; third-party transactions, ATM technology, customer-service policies, system of work, etc.
In banking, by implementing Lean Management, the organization improves business performance using simple, practical tools and techniques to enhance quality, cost, delivery and people contribution. Employees are not expected to simply routinely do their job, but are expected to contribute to the improvement of processes and operations, utilizing their own personal experience and creativity.
Lean Banking Management is an event that will practically focus elimination or drastic reduction of wastes within some banking processes through deployment of Lean Model and Strategy .
It is a 5-day open and specially-customized learning and development programme.
Liquid Lean
The waste in oil and gas and petrol-chemical industries is enormous from drilling to flaring of gas ,from refining to distribution of the finished products etc.
Waste in oil exploration and production do not tend to appear as significant when oil is $100+ per barrel than when it is $40. It is important to note, however, that the waste is there whether oil is $100 or $40 per barrel and it needs to be addressed continually for the company to be successful year-after-year. Imagine how much additional profitability could have been achieved had the majors been using lean over the last 25-30 years.
Some of the waste are locked up in: Non value adding activities to the product or service in the eyes the customer, Variation of works content in the process and Excessive work content above the capacity of the process.
Therefore, a 5-day Liquid Lean management event will focus on oil and gas industry processes with the main objective of eliminating wastes of any form within the system through deployment of “Lean Model”.
It is a 5-day open and specially-customized learning and development programme.
Lean Service Management
There are tangible or intangible service-elements in every business operation that require interaction of customers with service facilities and personnel. These service- activities have tremendous potentials for deployment of Lean strategy to meet customers ’requirements within the least time, therefore bringing about service provider-customers’ relationship improvement.
This course, a 3 day event will impact knowledge on participants on how to improve service-performance and ruthlessly eradicate waste within the service mnanagement.
It is a 3-day open and specially-customized learning and development programme.
Lean Government
Governments are branded as time consuming, overly complex, bureaucratic, and therefore unsupportive bodies. One of the main challenges for the public sector in the developing world is to deliver services through a motivated workforce in an age of environmental dynamics: policies-instability, political crisis, insecurity, economic-imbalance, etc. And because of these myriad of challenges, governments are running enormous budget deficits, but facing electorates still expecting increased standards in public services.
In today’s world Governments are expected to perform transparently and professionally with the least waiting time. However inadequate resources of space, finance and political uncertainty pose a real challenge to the transformation, our Lean expert will help participants to identify the non value adding activities, improve service levels and reduce costs.
The benefits of Lean Governments include: Reduced through put time of the processes, Reduced work load & stress, Reduction in process defects, Visual information, Multi skilled employees, and Enhanced team work. The business of running government at all levels is almost One-hundred percent- responsibility of the civil servants who are saddled with day-to-day management of the state resources. There is a need for in–depth knowledge of how to create a “Lean Government- Business System” across all the ministries, agencies and parastatals to optimize Government – limited resources.
Lean Government is a 5-day specially- customized event to practically learn how to deploy Lean strategy, tools and techniques to reduce wastes in government actvities.
Staying Lean
Deployment of Lean strategy to manage business process complexity will not continuously leads to effective performance if is being applied in an ad hoc manner. The principles of lean management can be entrenched in the entire business system to the extent that “Lean” becomes an organization’s culture as well as her standard operational procedure for inter-departmental engagements, strategic, operational and tactical activities.
It is a 2-day specially-customized learning and development programme.
Six Sigma Methodology
There have been too much focus on output/or result in many organizations without detail analysis of what transpire within the business processes. In reality, the measure of a business performance is 1%-result and 99% -process. It is within the process chain that mistakes, errors, defects, and wastages are detected.
Six sigma methodology (SSM) offers the best managerial strategy for detection and prevention of all business irregularities within a system across a number of industries. SSM uses a number of qualitative and quantitative techniques to improve process efficiencies while reducing defects in products and services.
It is a 6-day open and specially-customized learning and development programme.
Six Sigma Project-Six Sigma Cases
What most organizations who have embraced six sigma lack is how to deploy six sigma methodology to solve inherent business problems and how to create a business case or project for six sigma deployment. Six sigma project and implementation-course will provide the understanding of how to deploy six sigma methodology to solve inherent business problems and how to create a business case or project for six sigma deployment.
It is a 4-day specially-customized learning and development programme.
Lean Six Sigma
There is a crossing-line between the deployment of lean enterprise and six sigma methodology in achieving business process and performance improvement.
While lean ruthlessly remove waste, six sigma has 0% or 0.001% tolerance for defects and errors within a system and her wider enterprise. The Lean-Six Sigma, an integrated techniques help an organization achieve multi-objective faceted improvement at a minimal cost.
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