
Business Process and Performance Management, Business Research and Analysis, Continuous Improvement, Decision-Making Analysis and Problem Modeling, Change Management, Human Capacity Support Services, Project Management and Advisory Services are our Core Business.

Business Process and Performance Management

Knowing the current state of an organization’s system through detailed process analysis, leads to information on where an organization is succeeding , where is failing and what is responsible for her success and failure. This information is worked upon to develop a periodic and feasible roadmap that will achieve a set of objectives that guarantee organization’s stability, improvement, increase in Return on Investment(ROI) and performance through deployment of ideal management strategy, philosophy,tools and techniques.

Business Research and Analysis

The crucible of innovation is research into business system. Every business research leads to collation and analysis of data that will subject a business system to a measure space.Except all business activities can be measured, it will be difficult to control and what cannot be controlled cannot be managed. Business Research and Analysis guarantee that organizations are managed on the basis of facts and figures and not on the rule of thumb.

Continuous Improvement

There is no extreme point in business system where nothing can be improved again. There is always a room for improvement of system of thinking; system of work ; system of strategy formulation, development, and deployment; and the whole wide enterprise of an organization.

 Decision-Making Analysis and Problem Modeling

The most critical business activity in any organization is decision making. Decision determines the direction and strategy of an organization.”When decision makers see every decision problem to be a nail ,they always end up using a hammer”.Most decision problems in reality are multiobjective, non-linear, unprecise and in most cases require being modeled with consideration to the voice of the shareholders, voice of the customers, voice of the society,voice of the environmental dynamics and many other factors. Therefore, decision making requires scientific approach and not a mere “arm-chair” approach that is myopic, rigid,always deterministic and most time lacks adequate data analysis.

Change Management

Change is inevitable if an organization targets new results. Management system, people’s attitude, strategy, tools, techniques, culture are all in dare need of change in order to guarantee stable and competitive business. Oludoy Dynamix Consulting steer-up change that is measurable and controllable. We lead a change from the knowledge of the current state of an organization through deployment of applicable best management philosophy, practice, tools and techniques.

Human Capacity Support

Oludoy Dynamix Consulting works with people in solving diverse decision and management problems within and without an organization and our approach is to transfer knowledge to this people whose responsibility is to continue to provide leadership in the areas of business process management, decision analysis and continuous improvement. We impact, share with, and groom people that have capacities to shoulder their institutional challenges.

Project Management

Oludoy dynamix Consulting acts as a project manager to both private and public institutions who want their targets actualized within plan and available resources. We see every decision problem as a project which we manage with respect to constraint dynamics of all input variables and other uncontrollable factors. The identification, modeling and management of uncertain, imprecise and risky elements in a project are our core knowledge in achieving beyond organizational targets.

Advisory Services

Advising various institutions on strategy management is our core responsibility. We think for management team to actualize their objectives, we discover the missing links, mend the fences and create conducive environment to work, analyze issues and build a unique advantage for businesses through pre and post maturity assessment driven by qualitative and quantitative data and group participation.