National Petroleum Investment and Management Services (NAPIMS-Case Study)

NAPIMS is a subsidiary of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation(NNPC), her core responsibility is to determine,oversee and manage all the NNPC investments and services. The organization also manage all the NNPC joint ventures with Chevron, Shell, Addax Petroleum, and other oil and gas companies.NAPIMS has over 3000 workers across the oil and gas producing states including Lagos,its Corporate Head Office, and Abuja, the Federal Territory.

Oludoy Dynamix Consulting Limited engaged NAPIMS on a 5-day intensive in-house workshop on continuous improvement programme.

Creating Lean Business System and Lean Culture were learning and development modules for employees of National Petroleum Investment Management Services, NAPIMS( a subsidiary of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC) drawn from various departments and sections in November,2012 workshop. The event was able to diagnose current state of NAPIMS wide-enterprise supply chain and developed a 5-year feasible roadmap to achieve: Increasing production to 4.2 billion barrels, and increasing current monetization of flare-gas from 34% to 75% from year 2012 to 2017.

The value stream mapping of NAPIMS’ processes considered Contract and Payment Processes and the following results were achieved: The 22 weeks duration for contract process at NAPIMS was subjected to Lean diagnosis and after all the waste within and without were removed; the duration was reduced to 12 weeks.  45 days for Payment Process at NAPIMS was also X-rayed in the light of Lean diagnosis which results into elimination of all non-value added activities within the payment process that reduced the duration to 12days 12 hours.