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- Category: About Us
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Driving various Institutions to be the first through deployment of Operations Research methodology, tools and techniques also requires our alliance with various professional bodies which include :
- Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) : https://www.informs.org
- International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI): https://www.cmc-global.org
- Operational Research Practice for Africa( ORPA): http://orpa-group.org
- Institute of Operational Research and Management Science of Nigeria (IORMS): https://iorms.org.ng
- Nigerian Institute of Training and Development ( NITAD): https://nitad.org
- iLeanGo: https://ileango.com
- Lean Advisors Inc.: https://www.leanadvisors.com
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- Written by Super User
- Category: About Us
- Hits: 4831
To operate a highly efficient, professional, dependable, and ethical organization by partnering with our clients through dynamic and creative all-encompassing problems structuring and factual data collection and modeling, customers' orientation, and pro-active implementation to achieve clients' goals and objectives.
- Ensuring clients' profit maximization and cost minimization within their available resources.
- To be proficient, skilled and informed in the techniques of consulting services and operational research dynamics.
- Designing clients' future through minimum of 5 years industry forecast and road map.
- Expanding our customers' business scope while maintaining their competitive edge and increasing their productivity and financial performance annually in the industry.
- Positioning our clients to become market leaders.
Oludoy Dynamix Consulting Ltd. will offer full-scale result oriented services, and target meeting customers' goals and objectives.
Oludoy Dynamic Cosulting has a consortium of international Operations Research professionals , Continuous Improvement Specialists, and Business Analysts that constitute its human resource bank. Our versatility spans every management-oriented identifiable problem.
Decisive, and definite problem structuring and formulation with appropriate modeling tools.
Our innovative research strategies and conscious effort to always meet the needs of our customers.
Pre-assessment of the organization's system of work and improvement.
Six-pillar business analysis assessment.