We work with network of talented team of top independent operational research professionals and continuous improvement experts who offer unparallel wealth of business and academic expertise, innovation, landmark experiences and research based knowledge in different areas of the application of business process management, continuous improvement consulting, and operations research /or management science .
Okesola Moses Olusola is the President/CEO of Oludoy Dynamix Consulting Limited, Nigeria, the first partner-company of Lean Business.Com Limited, UK, in Africa.
Okesola Moses holds an upper second class B-Tech degree in Pure and Applied Mathematics and Msc in Operational Reserach. He is an Operational Research expert with specialization in Change Management,Supply Chain Management, Decision-Making Analysis, Project Management,Six Sigma Methodology, Lean Business System,Strategy management, Data Analysis, Dynamic Programming, and Risk & Uncertainty Analysis.He has over 15 years work experience as a General Manager, Head of Business Intelligence, Head of Corporate Marketing,Chief Strategist, Principal consultant,and a University Lecturer. Moses’ expertise as a management consultant spans Telecommunication, Banking and Financial , Oil & Gas, FMCG, Manufacturing, Public Sector,and Service Industries.
Moses is a Chartered Management Consultant (CMC), Certified Professional Six Sigma Master Black Belt (CPSSMBB), Cerfied Professional Six Sigma Project Manager ( CPSSMI ),member, Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS), member, International Institute of Management Consultants, member, Operational Research Practice in Africa ( ORPA), co-editor, International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems, and presently the Registrar/CEO of the Institute of Operational Research and Management Science of Nigeria (IORMS).
Okesola Moses has presented papers at different conferences organized by Operations Research Society of South Africa (ORSSA), Institute for Operations Research Society (IFORS), and submitted abstract at Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS). He has acted in capacity of a session chair at IFORS conference in South Africa. Moses & Oyatoye has published an article on Supply chain management in Nigerian Journal oF Management Studies,2010 edition,and he has also published "Lean in Practice in Nigeria Public Sector" in SA PARTNERS,UK publication,2012. Other publications on 'Linkedin' include: " Lean Decision Making", and " Lean Management and System of Work".
Professor MK Luhandjula: one of our consultants and a professor of Operations Research at the University of South Africa , and one of the best international experts and consultants in Mathematical formalisms for combining randomness and fuzziness, Mathematical programming under uncertainty and Decision support systems. He obtained PhD (Operations Research), 1984, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, MSc (Operations Research), 1980, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, Honours BSc (Mathematics), 1977, Universite Nationale du Zaire, DR Congo, BSc (Mathematics), 1975, Universite Nationale du Zaire, DR Congo. He has worked in different capacities as departmental head, senior lecturer, and Associate professor at University of South Africa, National University of Rwanda, University of Kinshasa, DR Congo, and University of Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria.
Eric is one of our external consultants, a Financial Decision Analyst, and Resource optimization Consultant currently in International Finance Corporation (IFC), South Africa. He has worked at KPMG, Chamonix Private Equity, and Fortis Bank, UK.ric has worked in leveraged finance at Fortis Bank, UK and was involved in the origination and execution of UK and European mid-cap LBO transactions where Fortis acted as Mandated Lead Arranger. Before this, Eric worked in Transaction Services, KPMG in London.
Prior to working at KPMG, Eric held the position of Post-doctoral Research Scientist at the University of Nottingham's School of Computer Science where he was involved in both teaching and research.Eric holds three degrees in operations research including a PhD (University of Nottingham, UK), a Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies (DEA, equivalent of MPhil - ENSIMAG France) and a Diplome d'Ingenieur (equivalent of Msc - USTHB Algeria).
He is also a post-doctoral research fellow at university of Nottingham. Eric has in-depth knowledge of acquisition of portfolios of companies, financial modeling and advisory as well as public and private resource management.